Apparently, last night, Mattel announced that the DK Movie Masters figures will be returning to retail as a TRU exclusive, but will also be sold online at their website for a reduced price of $15. I'm really quite conflicted about this. A $5 reduction in price + $8 in shipping is still a lot to pay for these figures, and the fact that they'll be at retail makes me want to hunt for them next spring. But I remember quite vividly how horrible it was trying to find new MM figures, until suddenly they were unloaded at Big Lots for an absurd price. It was a nightmare. Add into that equation the fact that they're an exclusive line (and there's only 2 TRU's within an hour of me), it may well end up that these are impossible to find again.
They also are keeping the Joker as Gotham Thug figure as an online exclusive, probably as a last-ditch attempt to sell him out (now that he'll be the "rare" one) because he's been e-pegwarming for the last month. Something just sort of stinks here. It seems that now I've got the hedge against finding them at retail and order them online, but if they show up and overflow at TRU, then I wasted my money on all that shipping. If I don't get them online but are impossible to find in the real world, then I've missed my chance to get them. Ugh. Perhaps what I'll do is just get a couple of them at a time when a new Ghostbusters figure is released, and whichever ones I don't get, I'll hunt for.
Anyway, enough of that. I'll put up some photo updates of stuff I've gotten in the last month (namely, the Matty Ghostbuster stuff. Which is AWESOME).