Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A good toy day

I finally got moved into my new place, and finally got my collection all set up. I expanded it to a new shelf, as promised, so now I've got a large chunk of wall devoted to my 40 Year Old Virgin-esque addiction.

Not too long ago I posted about a local shop that has old toys, including the four original Real Ghostbusters figures loose. I went back today to investigate, and it looked like they had sold Peter (but the wrapper ghost was still there), and obtained another Ray and Winston (incomplete). I don't think I'll be buying them if there's only 3 of them. I'll continue to mull over the possibility of buying them loose, but I'd like to get all 4 in one swoop if possible. They also had Mail Fraud and Terror Trash, loose, which are the 2 Haunted Humans I never had and always wanted. I may consider getting them too. Decisions, decisions. I just don't like getting things loose. I like opening the box; that's the feeling that ignites all the old feelings of childhood for me.

On an interesting side note, they had some cool old stuff there, like the Malebolgia figure from the Spawn movie circa 1997, which I had.

I also went to the new comic shop today and checked out what they have to offer; they have one whole wall devoted to action figures, which is pretty sweet, but there was nothing there I really wanted or had been looking for. That is, until I saw (pretty much on my way out) Superman/Batman Series 7 Batman. This figure has gotten horrid reviews online, but I really like the look of him, and out-of-box he feels great.

I also stopped at TRU to look for Ghostbusters minimates, of which they had none (of course), and stumbled upon DCUC Series 9 Deadshot. I was very excited, and the price at TRU hasn't gone up to $13 yet. Today was a good day.

Finally, I got my Ghostbusters collection moved to its own shelf! I was running out of room (still am... what to do with my Watchmen figures? Hmm...) and desperately needed to expand. I had mentally resisted the urge because I felt that if my collection occupied more than one shelf, I'd be that weird guy who collects toys, but as it turns out... I already am!

Point is, everything looks great, and the glow from the Ecto-Glow Heroes warms my heart every night as I drift off to sleep in my new place.

My night light.

Note my new Fright Features RGBs, and the
super awesome NECA Slimer and Mattel Egon.

The Winstons are my favorites because
we never had him when I was a kid.

The Ghost Nabber was a present from my brother.
I asked for it when I was six and didn't get it.
He made it happen.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good

I thought I'd post a bit of Photoshop fun I had with Egon. I'll probably do a whole bunch more of those, since I'm a loser and I am capable of doing so. But whatever, it's cool.

Also, I saw an interesting Ask Mattel update. Usually these are not exceptionally interesting, since they often have to do with why people can't get their Masters of the Universe figures. However, when there's Ghostbusters news, I'm all ears. It's stolen from Poe Ghostal's website:

7.) Does the Containment Unit that comes with Walter Peck have any features or moving parts?

The trap holder opens and the trap that comes with Winston fits inside.

8.) Will 6″ Peter Venkman come with a ghost or a piece of equipment?

That is yet to be revealed!

I find this very exciting. The containment unit can accept the trap that comes with Winston! How awesome is that? And I'm also intrigued about the pack-in with Peter. I can't think of what it will be, unless they're going to go for something like the Library Ghost. I hope so; I think that would be a pretty cool pack-in to include (hopefully in some translucent plastic, like a purple Slimer). I can't think of any equipment that would be on a scale with the containment unit or the trap that could be included-- I just wonder when the pack-in will be revealed. I'm excited.

It also looks like 12" Ray was pushed back to October 15th, the same day 6" Ray is released. Hopefully this means I'll be able to get them both at the same time, and have them shipped together.

Lastly, I wish they had managed to make and release the Glow Copter. I want it. :(

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I just finished an historic eBay battle (yes, I know there's no such thing as an historic eBay battle) with some unlucky soul who thought his/her dedication to collecting Real Ghostbusters figures exceeded mine. The price was at $64.01 for the last 5 minutes, which was the total for all 5 Fright Features figures MOC, and I was in the lead. Then, with less than 10 seconds left, someone put down $100 as their max bid.

I, however, had put down $151.55, so I won all 5 of these figures for almost exactly $20 a piece (and $50 under my max bid). I'm definitely very happy right now. I've been looking for these figures for a very long time, and have an eBay search for them saved so I get email alerts whenever someone lists anything "fright features". But to get them all MOC in one fell swoop is fantastic. I'm sad I didn't get them for the absurd price I got the Super Fright Features, but these figures are older and carry significantly more weight to me. As kids, my brothers and I had Egon, Peter and Ray, but they were broken so fast, and their pieces lost so quickly, that I hardly remember them. My cousin (the same cousin who had Ecto-500) had the Winston, and I always remember wanting him too.

Now, my wait is over, and my RGB collection grows steadily ever larger.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


So while I'm sitting in the lab waiting for the RNA in my tissue sample to dissolve (I lead an awesome life, by the way), I thought I'd put up an entry. See, I stumbled upon an update from's facebook page (let me digress briefly: I hate the "Matty" character, and the person who runs the facebook page can't spell and generally seems like an idiot) that had in-package photos of DCUC Wave 10. To be honest, I'm pretty excited about this line, namely the all-black Michael Keaton-esque Batman and the brown Man-Bat. I have the SDCC albino exclusive, which I love because I'm a fool for odd variants (and white is my favorite color!), but I always assumed the brown version would be out eventually. I'm glad to see that's the case.

I only have one DCUC figure, the illustrious Killer Moth, and currently there are only two more on my want-list: the unmasked Terry McGinnis (though I craved him more when he was rare... is that wrong?) and Deadshot from Wave 9 (who is theoretically out now, but I'll never find him). I haven't been all that into the DCUC figures up until this point, but with these two, plus that awesome Zebra Batman shown at SDCC, I'm looking forward to finding these out in the wild. (Let me digress again briefly: THESE ARE NOT SOLD ANYWHERE NEAR ME. HMPH. Though apparently more Wal-Marts will be stocking Wave 10, so hopefully I'll be able to find them at retail.)

Also, I'm excited because apparently a new comics shop opened up near where I live in Ohio, where up until now there's been nothing. The photos online of the place look pretty promising in terms of toy selection, which is good because I might be able to see more of the things I want out in the wild, but bad because if I do end up seeing more things to want, I'll spend money on them. The Superman/Batman series 7 Batman is a good example. I thought he looked cool back in early 2008 when he was shown on DC Direct's website, and now I might be able to go look at him in person and contemplate buying him. And when the Ghostbusters minimates series 2 box set comes out, you better believe I'm there.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My year of toy happiness has officially begun

Sorry it's been so long, to that one person out there who reads this blog (me). I'd explain why it's been so long, but you know already. So I'll dispense with that and move on to the awesome.

EGON IS HERE. Don't let me understate the amazingness that is that fact. Finally, after close to 18 years without a new Ghostbusters toy (excluding NECA, obviously, but 1) I didn't get them when they came out and 2) they didn't even have any Ghostbusters), I finally have a super-articulated Egon Spengler figure. The figure is great; his articulation is incredible, even better than the movie masters'. And Slimer is translucent, but the effect is increased because of some kind of layering done with the translucency. He's not just clear-- he looks like he's made of slime. So obviously, I'm incredibly excited that these figures turned out so well, and I can't wait until October when Ray comes out... because the Logo Ghost he comes with might be glow in the dark! It's like Mattel is reading my mind with this new line.

Speaking of glow in the dark, I found out the SDCC exclusive Peter/Stay Puft minimates set has a glow in the dark Stay Puft. How awesome is that?? I am trying to figure out how to justify spending the amount of money required to obtain him from eBay, which is annoyingly high. However, I did manage to find 3 TRU minimates sets (no Washington Square ghost or exploding Stay Puft... yet) and I got the series 1 box set online. They are pretty damn cool, and I'll be able to rest happy when I have the Washington Square ghost and possibly the glow in the dark Stay Puft. I'll put up pictures of those later.

12" Ray comes out next month, and I'm definitely looking forward to it. However, I discovered online a complete set of Fright Features Ghostbusters, MOC, currently at $40 bidding on eBay. I've been looking for that set for a while, and I think I'm at a point now where I can justify spending a wee bit more to get them (nothing will compare to the Super Fright Features, which I got MOC for $10 a piece... but I digress). Bidding ends on Saturday, and I think I'm going to commit to winning them, as long as the price doesn't get too absurd. I'll post all about that when/if it happens.

I'm slightly pissed that I have to wait until July 2010 for Peter, and that I'll be able to get Walter Peck (with containment unit!) before then, but that's okay. I'll be living in a new house, new state, with a new (real) job at that point, which is weird to think about, so I won't! Off to look at Egon some more.