Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A good toy day

I finally got moved into my new place, and finally got my collection all set up. I expanded it to a new shelf, as promised, so now I've got a large chunk of wall devoted to my 40 Year Old Virgin-esque addiction.

Not too long ago I posted about a local shop that has old toys, including the four original Real Ghostbusters figures loose. I went back today to investigate, and it looked like they had sold Peter (but the wrapper ghost was still there), and obtained another Ray and Winston (incomplete). I don't think I'll be buying them if there's only 3 of them. I'll continue to mull over the possibility of buying them loose, but I'd like to get all 4 in one swoop if possible. They also had Mail Fraud and Terror Trash, loose, which are the 2 Haunted Humans I never had and always wanted. I may consider getting them too. Decisions, decisions. I just don't like getting things loose. I like opening the box; that's the feeling that ignites all the old feelings of childhood for me.

On an interesting side note, they had some cool old stuff there, like the Malebolgia figure from the Spawn movie circa 1997, which I had.

I also went to the new comic shop today and checked out what they have to offer; they have one whole wall devoted to action figures, which is pretty sweet, but there was nothing there I really wanted or had been looking for. That is, until I saw (pretty much on my way out) Superman/Batman Series 7 Batman. This figure has gotten horrid reviews online, but I really like the look of him, and out-of-box he feels great.

I also stopped at TRU to look for Ghostbusters minimates, of which they had none (of course), and stumbled upon DCUC Series 9 Deadshot. I was very excited, and the price at TRU hasn't gone up to $13 yet. Today was a good day.

Finally, I got my Ghostbusters collection moved to its own shelf! I was running out of room (still am... what to do with my Watchmen figures? Hmm...) and desperately needed to expand. I had mentally resisted the urge because I felt that if my collection occupied more than one shelf, I'd be that weird guy who collects toys, but as it turns out... I already am!

Point is, everything looks great, and the glow from the Ecto-Glow Heroes warms my heart every night as I drift off to sleep in my new place.

My night light.

Note my new Fright Features RGBs, and the
super awesome NECA Slimer and Mattel Egon.

The Winstons are my favorites because
we never had him when I was a kid.

The Ghost Nabber was a present from my brother.
I asked for it when I was six and didn't get it.
He made it happen.

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