A funny thing happened to me last night. Actually, last week. I somehow managed to get my hands on the ENTIRE RGB Super Fright Features line for $10 apiece. Absurd? Yes. Wonderful? OH yes.
Now, my original plan was to get the Peter, Ray and Winston figures, and not the Egon or the Janine, because I had them when I was a kid (so I guess there's less interest? Not sure). Well, obviously when I discovered I could get all 5 for the normal price of 1, I had to do it. My plan then was to leave the Egon and the Janine MOC, and open the others.However, here's where the funny thing happened. I got them, and I began to feel preemptive guilt for opening them. I mean, granted, I have the Ecto Glow Heroes, those are much rarer and more valuable, and I've opened all but 1 of those. But for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to open these SFF figures.

I think this has to do with 1) I'm away from my normal home, so I don't have the rest of my collection here, and consequently wouldn't be able to display these figures if I opened them, and 2) I think my mindset as a collector is (regrettably) becoming more investment-oriented, rather than love-oriented. Honestly, in buying this line for only $50, essentially I made $100-$150 on the spot. But I'm not collecting toys to make money, or secure my future in these trying economic times, so what gives?

I don't know. I think in order to prove to myself that I'm doing this because I have a (weird, childish, whatever) love for action figures, not because I'm a Collector and I Collect Them So I Can Sell Them Later, I'll open them when I get back home. I mean, it's "logic" that is holding me back (e.g., 'you just got these for so cheap, you literally made money on them; opening them would ruin that'), whereas my love for all things Ghostbusters should set me free. Or something.
Anyway, for now, they shall remain MOC, and I shall love them in that fashion. Perhaps once I return home to my collection I'll be inspired to open them. Until then... we'll have to see.