Ra's al Ghul has always been one of my favorite characters, stretching all the way back to Batman the Animated Series. Even as a kid, the intensity and intellect of the Demon's Head (plus the fact that I could never figure out if he was even a bad guy) fascinated me. Well, a few nights before he went off to the Air Force Academy, my brother (my parents somehow raised a whole family of supernerds) gave me this as a present, making it the second action figure I received.
I love this Ra's figure. He came with a saber (which unfortunately broke, and I fixed it, and then it broke again) and is highly detailed, well-sculpted, and maintains the classic look from TAS that I loved.
The Batman was also a gift from my brother, but came about a year later. I'm a fan of the black/gray Batman (as opposed to the campier blue/gray... no offense), but also tend to appreciate the sleeker, higher cowl (as opposed to, for example, the look of the Hush Series 3 Batman). So when I stumbled upon the Identity Crisis Batman online, my brother got it for me. So, again, it has value to me beyond just the cost of the plastic. My only problem with this figure is that, for some reason, the Identity Crisis Series 2 figures went from 13 points of articulation to only 9, so this Batman is not exceptionally poseable. However, given that the figures I grew up with bent their arms and turned their heads, I can't complain too much about his articulation.
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