Several questions arise. First, there is no sign of the Arkham Scarecrow or the Sonar Batman anywhere on the site. Like I mentioned once before, it annoys me that these figures have still not shown up at retail, despite a January release date. So what gives?
Second, and probably the most interesting, it appears that the good folks at Mattel have finally decided to let (at least) one Movie Masters figure have an accessory. That accessory, as obvious in the photo, is the ever-indispensable ENORMOUS SKI MASK that fits goofily over the face of Proto-Suit Batman. Why not 1) sculpt it on as a head, 2) give swappable heads with the figures, or at the very least 3) include USEFUL or COOL accessories with the MM figures?
Third, rather than complain, I'll point out that the Two-Face and the Jail Cell Joker look great, just like they did at NYCC. If only Mattel would ship these out like they are supposed to, everything would be peaches and roses.
Enough anger. I'm going to go enjoy my Watchmen figures now.
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