The Watchmen figures are great. Dr. Manhattan was the last one I got, and he was worth the wait. His articulation is basically non-existent, and his perpetual open-palm pose is somewhat annoying, but the sculpting is incredibly detailed-- all the way down to the veins in his legs. Nite Owl is also great, and with decent basic articulation (plus, the blade on his belt is removable). The Comedian is heavy and comes with 2 pistols, which actually have holsters on his legs. He's a great, sturdy figure. Rorschach is a bit disappointing, as he barely has any articulation at all, but he nonetheless looks good. Silk Spectre II is my first female figure (ever! Unless you count Janine from the RGB... which I don't), and despite the oddity of having a fairly well-proportioned plastic girl in my hands, I like the figure. Her likeness is off, as is the Comedian's, but that's forgivable.
When I return to my normal place of residence this weekend, I'll get some photos up of the variants and the classic figures, which I've decided to keep MIB.
I'm not becoming an MIB collector, but there is something about holding the unopened toy that gives me a great feeling. The old adage "It's not the having, it's the getting" I think applies pretty well to me, so keeping some figures MIB seems to prolong that "getting" feeling, while opening them (sometimes, not always) transitions it to the "having".
Ergo, I'll talk about the variants and classic figures at a later date.
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