Well, it looks like one of Mattel's big reveals at SDCC (though I'll qualify this by saying that they haven't officially released this info yet) will be 8" Retro Action Real Ghostbusters figures. It appears, from the photo, that it has a voice function, but I can't see any proton pack or accessories or anything. The other Mego-style figures Mattel is producing come with accessories, so I suppose there is hope. Interesting. I like the look of the package, though, as it truly does capture the look of the old RGB cards. The figure itself, however, does not really look like animated Peter.
But the Mego Toy Company produced this type of figure during the 1970's, and filed for bankruptcy in 1982-- a whole 4 years before the RGB began. So why would a 1970's style be used for a late 80's show? It doesn't make sense to me.
While I will gladly have any sort of Real Ghostbusters product, I just don't quite get this one.
So on the 19th I will hopefully have my 12" movie Venkman safely ordered. I'm afraid this is going to be the figure everyone wants, even if they don't care about Ghostbusters or haven't been collecting the line. If I lose him to some rando on the intertubes, I will be quite annoyed. I bet the eBay prices for this particular one will be absurd. We'll see.
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