Man, I've gotten pretty bad about keeping up with my blogging! I apologize again, as my excuses will have become stale at this point.

So let's see. First, my new toys! My Christmas was a good one, including (from my fiancee) season 1 of the Real Ghostbusters on DVD (she's awesome), and Matty's 12" Egon and 6" Winston from my brother. Egon's headsculpt is miles beyond Ray's, and his uniform is crisper and fits the body better. His skin tone is a little weird, though, and he sort of looks like his liver is failing. The PKE meter is great though, and he and Ray look good together. Winston is fantastic; the face is a great likeness, and I really like the trap. I wish these figures all came with traps (remember the good old days, when a GB figure came with a weapon AND a ghost? Sigh) or something else, but it's okay. I like these figures a bunch, and they go pretty well with...

Damn, was this expensive. But if you look
way back, you'll see I considered getting him (er... her) for $60 off of Well, I paid about $25 more than that (damn supply and demand) now that the NECA toys are even hotter commodities, which isn't TOO bad. A NECA terror dog can easily fetch $100+, and ToyWiz has one available on their site for an easy $175.
No thanks. It's an outstanding figure though. My only regret, now that it seems I'm a MOCer (for the rare stuff) is that I can't take her out to make her eyes light up. Or to battle the 3 GB's I have. But I'll survive.

My Ghostbuster armada has also doubled, now that the Ecto-3 and the Ecto-Bomber have arrived! I now officially own all of the vehicles we did not have as kids (meaning Ecto-1, Ecto-2, the Ghost Sweeper and the Highway Haunter). I recently saw the one (that's right, one) episode in which the Ecto-Bomber appears (more than anyone can say for any Ecto above 2, I guess) and it looked pretty goofy. It's really fun to play with, though, and (of course) I got both of these vehicles still factory sealed in their boxes. The Bomber was a complete steal though, as I got it for $25-- usually they are $100+ too. Woohoo.

Now, onto musings about the action figure world. Diamond Select recently revealed their
wave 3 of GB minimates, and they look awesome (there's even a Vigo!). While I'm happy about it, in a way it merely points out how much potential the 6" Mattel line has and how it is being effectively squandered. Where's my Vigo the Carpathian + Janosz box set, complete with replica empty painting? Where are the slime blowers, the other ghosts, anything? Bleh. Beggars can't be choosers, I suppose. Walter Peck is coming out in March, so that's the next time I'll order something from Matty. Speaking of that...
All of the Movie Masters TDK figures have sold out from Mattel's website, which makes me slightly nervous that I won't be able to find these at retail. Unlikely, but I'm sticking to my guns about it. $15 + $8 shipping is too much.
Okay, time for bed. I'll try to be better about updating henceforth.
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