I've been lamenting the Ghostbusters line for a little while now, which is sad considering
how excited I was just one year ago. Don't get me wrong; I am super happy to be getting these toys, since I've loved Ghostbusters my entire life. But I feel justified in my disappointment, because there is just so much I thought would be happening that is not happening.
To sum up
NY Toy Fair: Peter will come with another Slimer figure (licking his lips instead of smiling), and the next new figure in the line (coming in... July? August? I don't know) will be Ray, again, wearing his gray lab coat from the original "commercial." He comes with the "ghost sniffer" and a translucent ghost that comes flying out the subway after the containment unit explodes. (All photos come from that link above,
Cool Toy Review.)

I like this variant, I like the ghost (a lot) and I like the accessory. It's just... that's it? Already? We've gotten 2 slimed variants, 2 Slimers and Ray wearing his lab coat. Where's everyone else? Does this likely mean that after lab coat Ray, we'll be getting lab coat everyone, every other month, all the way until spring of next year? I'm sorry, that's really disappointing.

Sigh. I really like the ghost though. THAT's the direction I want the line to go in: movie-accurate ghosts reminiscent of the old RGB toy ghosts. So for that, Mattel, I thank you. I just wish you'd hurry the hell up and start making the characters you should be making.
They also showed Walter Peck with the containment unit. I'm excited about this, but the only real "news" about it is that it looks like he may come with a non-opening trap that fits in the unit. More traps = good. I won't complain.

Finally, unrelated to Ghostbusters, DC Direct showed their upcoming Batman: Reborn series 1 figures, and they look super cool. Azrael looks pretty fantastic, and the Jason Todd Batman looks awesome too. However, they showed him without the lower cowl facemask, and instead he's got a bit of a semi-evil, semi-goofy smile. I liked the face mask more, so maybe there will be exchangeable heads. They also look like they've got a bunch of accessories, which is a plus. I'm excited for these.
So there you have it. New York Toy Fair 2010: highlighted by the blue subway ghost coming with a Ray variant. I want Mattel to blow me away with these, and they are not. Oh well. I'll get them, and I'll enjoy getting them, but there's so much less to look forward to than I was hoping.
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