1. Ghostbusters minimates

Not two days ago, while in the comic shop in Winston Salem (I was out of town for work stuff), I stumbled upon the series 2 pack, as well as the PX exclusive GB2 Ray + glow in the dark Slimer. I was super excited, and that makes my minimates collection almost complete. All I need is the SDCC Venkman/glowing Stay Puft (the Amazon game pack doesn't excite me too much, though I LOVED the game) and that'll be it until series 3 comes out. Woo.
2. DCUC Wave 10

I know this photo has my albino Man-bat in it, so just picture him as an all-black Michael Keaton-esque Batman with a batarang and bat-puter. I love these figures. The brown Man-bat is nowhere near the quality of the albino, but I guess that's to be expected since one was an exclusive and the other a mass market repaint. The Joker, complete with his accessories (cane, mallet, cards, joker fish?!), was originally a pass for me, but then I saw him and had to get him. He's awesome. I was so excited when I found these at Walmart.
3. RGB Slimed Heroes

Last time I updated, I insinuated I'd be after the remaining Slimed Heroes figures I didn't pick up. Well, I succeeded. They are, of course, awesome, and adorn the wall adjacent to my shelf. The others I got are in great shape, and I got them for a great price off eBay. I was planning on going after (quite possibly) the original series, but that all changed when I stumbled upon my next acquisition...

Remember when I was at that WS comic shop? I also happened to ask if they had the new Joker in stock. Unbelievably, they did. I took one look at him and thought "pre-order be damned" (side note: I pre-ordered from Toy Rocket, who is now bankrupt, with an old credit card that no longer works... so I feel okay). This figure is without a doubt the greatest figure I own, and have ever seen. I'll let the photos speak for themselves. The box is a work of art in itself. The accessories are amazing (the pistol has a removable clip, and cocks; the knife is retractable and can clip onto his pockets [his pockets are real pockets!], and the grenades have to be pinned to his coat using tiny, real clothespins). The stand has working spotlights that can be adjusted to shine perfectly on him. I've never seen anything like it. In fact, hilariously enough, I find myself staring at him and shaking my head in disbelief. It really is that good.